Choosing the Right Partners for Your Mobile App Development

by MTAPhotos
Choosing the Right Partners for Your Mobile App Development
The emergence of various digital marketing tools and platforms has posed a problem for organizations and brands on how they organize around digital strategy in general. The recent global trends such as social media and mobile applications have both appeared in the last few years and most businesses have started engaging them. According to a report by mobile analytics firm Distimo, 91% of the top 100 brands have created branded apps. However, most companies have been not able to exploit the opportunities presented by these new technologies.
One of the biggest problems lies in the fact that many companies see each of these digital platforms in isolation. Businesses need to realize that the different digital technologies – web, social, mobile should be a part of their overall digital strategy rather each of them being a strategy in itself. E.g. a company’s mobile app should tell the same story as its website does. Or simply copying push marketing techniques into mobile channels doesn’t work well. The best results come from strategically partnering with the marketplace to jointly co-create the desired outcomes and network effects. Mobile marketing is now near the end of its beginning, and a lot has been learned about how to unlock real ROI with it. This is where companies such as Bellurbis come in play. Unlike traditional development houses, Bellurbis works closely with clients to make sure there debut and presence on mobile channels is in synch with their web or social media presence.
Similarly mobile solution firms such as Bellurbis help businesses to leverage the tools available to maximize the effect of their mobile app strategy. E.g. including the right set of analytics to measure the effect of their mobile marketing campaign, or choosing the right app store.
Another problem posed specifically by mobile applications is device fragmentation. Depending upon the target customer base, companies need to make sure they are available on different platforms and app stores. And perhaps even more important is the fact the user experience should be similar on different platforms. Hence it becomes even more imperative that businesses work with one stop shop app developers such as Bellurbis, who specialize in developing solutions for different mobile platforms.
Mobile applications are on track to become one of the leading ways to engage in the digital marketplace. And virtually all companies should be developing competency in this space and ensuring integration with the rest of their Web strategy and the most important step in this is to make sure they choose the right partners and vendors. Such partners will help businesses to understand these new trends and behaviours and position their brand to deliver a rich ecosystem and the right engagement strategy to their customers and potential customers in the years to follow.
The author heads Business Development and Marketing at Bellurbis, a mobile applications and solutions company working for various media companies, telecom operators, enterprises and content providers. Bellurbis is represented by a management team with rich domain expertise backed by solid business experience to deliver superior mobile solutions. Bellurbis collaborates with its clients to consider a mobile strategy that integrates into their overall digital strategy to give their target audience a relevant experience that builds their brand in a hyper competitive world.
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