Windows Mobile app development as an emerging trend

by Shemp65
Windows Mobile app development as an emerging trend
Windows and Nokia recently launched their most awaited product in the mobile market. Their association was a big shock for already established name in the smartphone market but it also made sense. Microsoft is tested name in the names of software and Nokia was once the king of mobile handsets. Together they have the power to show the world a complete new scenario of a smartphone and mobile application development industry.
The main feature that will give both Microsoft and Windows an edge over other manufacturers is that Microsoft has good share of audience using Window PC. Therefore, Window OS based smartphone will allow the Window PC users to move their file conveniently between the PC and Phone.
This idea is certainly very tempting, luring and competing in the smartphone industry but it is not only about having a best device with fast OS. Moreover, it is about offering your users incredible value added services and the application store which are responsible for blooming success of all other smartphone brands. Apple Inc has very successful application store with more than 5 billion apps but Windows app store only has about 80,000 apps which can be struggling point for the Windows phone. So, Microsoft has to lure mobile app developers to develop unique and innovative apps for Windows platform.
The feature that can be a turning game is that Nokia which is a hardware partner of Microsoft is in the industry from quite a long time and has manufactured handsets ranging from $ 25 to more than $ 550. It means that Windows has a greater chance to reach wide range of masses, which can bring a strong hold in the market. Nokia and Microsoft have big plans together to take over their lost reign from two leading names in the market Apple and Android (Samsung).
Advantages Windows have over Android and iOS
1. Microsoft Windows is the most popular PC operating system.
2. Users are very familiar with Microsoft softwares that are easily available on Windows phone.
3. Documents can be easily transferred from PC to Phone without any hassle.
4. Windows is a tested name among common PC users.
In the end we can say, if mobile app developers get convinced to work on Windows Platform and Microsoft has something new to offer for its users, Windows Phone will be the new in thing the mobile market.
Mobile Programming, LLC. Is a leading Mobile Application Development company based in New York, Offers a range of award winning mobile apps development services for Windows Mobile, iPhone application development, Blackberry, Symbian, J2ME and Android platforms.
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